Springbok Agency for ENGIE

Find the energy contract that is best for you

Screenshots for Engie's website


This project concerns the informative B2C webpages of the disruptive product UP by ENGIE-Electrabel, a service provider in Belgium. The goal of the pages was to inform people about the innovative combination of energy, services and smart products which aims to bring comfort to households. This project was a collaboration with Springbok Agency.

Team size

8-member agile team

My role

  • UX Design Lead

The challenges

#1 - New concept in the market

The New Value Proposition of ENGIE has a very innovative concept for the Belgian market. Commodity becomes a service. How can we explain this easily and quickly to the customers?

#2 - Limited product availability

The new product is only available to 40% of the ENGIE customers due to technical restrictions of the installation. How can we help customers understand if they are eligible to have the product?

#3 - Covering many target groups

Energy is a commodity and ENGIE is a big traditional player in this market, thus the client wants to target as many customer groups as possible. How can we serve that many target groups?

My role

I was responsible for the desk research, online data analysis, value proposition canvas workshop, co-creation workshops with stakeholders, rapid prototyping, user tests and wire-framing.

After the first designs, we conducted user tests that revealed the main insights. The most important was the need of a virtual assistant to advice them which is the best product for their needs.

Inspired by this insight, the first component of the design is a question that the user fills in according to his profile and this results to the most beneficial product for his/her situation.

#1 - New concept in the market

Since it was a new concept in the market, we as a design team needed to understand very well the goals and the value proposition of ENGIE. An additional challenge to that was the limited time of the stakeholders. Thus, we decided to gather all the information in a 4-hour facilitation session.

The result gave us the information and the inspiration we needed to conduct our own desk and market research. With the insights of the research, we started co-creating with the stakeholders the wireframes of the product. Following those sessions, we had ready two working prototypes to test our assumptions with users.

The prototypes were telling a story about the product two different ways. The first was explaining the product as four familiar services in one and then giving windows of information for deeper analysis on the separate services. The second was describing the product as the combination of nine different solutions that serve in nine different situations.

The user tests showed the the four familiar services were more understandable than the solutions. As the participants claimed, if they are interested in the combination of the four services they would search for more information.

#2 - Limited product availability

The criteria for the eligibility were four, with only two of them being the most important. The goal was to predict as soon as possible whether the website visitors were eligible to buy the product to present them the proper information for them.

We achieved this by asking a question with the two most important criteria on the top of the page. The question was placed in the general electricity and gas page and it was in the form of a form. According to the visitor’s choice, the content of the page changes recommending ENGIE products suitable to them.

This solution allowed us to target efficiently the proper customers.

Screenshots of Engie's website presenting how the virtual assistant works

#3 - Covering many target groups

For this challenge, we decided to place the previous filtering with the question on the main page that people are searching for ENGIE products. During the user tests, in which participants from all target groups attended, the vast majority loved the question on the “electricity and gas” page. The reason is that they feel the question as a personal assistant that recommends them the best product for their situation, so they don’t lose time searching by themselves.

Screenshots of Engie's website showing the virtual assistant

The result

The solution gave the desired results by the stakeholders, selling a very large amount of subscriptions already in the first month of the release.

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